Michael Holm

I would say that the most critical items is the day one requirements to define the operating model during integration, and base your transitional services on those day-one requirements, as well as the operating or interim operating model, when you’re going to...

Chris Charlton

Mergers, acquisitions and divestments always heat up the management atmosphere. There is so much to do at once and so much at stake, it is crucial to proceed with a clear sense of priorities, and this calls for a carefully structured approach.

Todd Glasson

We have many clients who use multiple fund admins and placement agents for different regions. GPs need to invest in their own portal and consolidate their email communications or they will create highly confusing investor experience for their LPs and more importantly...

Todd Glasson

There are many advantages of virtual fundraising for both LPs and GPs. Virtual diligence creates scale for GPs and increases participation for LPs. Ultimately, the power of technology is one to many. The scale with technology is practically limitless and experiences...