Asset management is a business where trust and relationships are of paramount importance. And to survive, trust requires predictability, to a large extent.
Asset management is a business where trust and relationships are of paramount importance. And to survive, trust requires predictability, to a large extent.
We believe that offering access to new geographies could be part of the answer. For example, Asia is seen as a promising market for direct lending: in early 2021 there were 44 private debt funds in the market focused on Asia, up from 38 at the beginning of 2020, and this trend is likely to continue accelerating.
PE Insights have become a trusted and reliable media partner for Apperio. Their reputation in the industry and strong subscriber base has been instrumental in helping Apperio to gain more visibility and engagement within private equity firms. We appreciate PE Insights’ role in helping us to achieve our goal of making the global legal industry clear, connected and collaborative.